I won't lie to you - this post might be a challenging one.

I've been grappling with some ideas that I feel compelled to share and will tell you right now that they may push us against the edges of your comfort zones. But, it's for a higher purpose... Unity Consciousness.
Because isn't this where we want to go? Isn't the new world we envision based on LOVE for our fellow humans and the natural world?
Does that dream even seem possible these days? Ever the optimist, I say a resounding YES!
But, we're not going to get there without some personal adjustments first. So, hang in there with me and, as always, feel free to drop any idea that does not serve you.
Chaos and Fear
I'll just set the stage for a moment...
It's been a scary 12 months.
Let's talk about what happens to the brain when a fearful moment occurs:
The fight-or-flight response from the amygdala takes control of the brain and body. The prefrontal cortex, which normally handles our responses to daily life, is temporarily shut down and cortisol levels surge to pump adrenaline into the system to deal with the issue at hand. Usually, after the event is over, cortisol levels drop back down and the body returns to stasis.
But what happens when there is long-term sustained fear, aka stress? To quote a Touro University article:
"It can disrupt synapse regulation, resulting in the loss of sociability and the avoidance of interactions with others. Stress can kill brain cells and even reduce the size of the brain. Chronic stress has a shrinking effect on the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning, ... (and) can increase the size of the amygdala, which can make the brain more receptive to stress. "Cortisol is believed to create a domino effect that hard-wires pathways between the hippocampus and amygdala in a way that might create a vicious cycle by creating a brain that becomes predisposed to be in a constant state of fight-or-flight,” Christopher Bergland writes in Psychology Today."
So, let's say that we're all in this chaotic soup together, sustaining one frightening news report after another, reduced to living in our houses with little, if any, contact with anyone, and no end in sight.
Does it make sense that our normally reasoning minds could be somewhat impaired (and hopefully not shrunken!)?
Captive to the dominion of the amygdala and fed story upon story about how horrifying the world is, doesn't it stand to reason that we could be caught in the "vicious cycle" mentioned above?
Now that the chaotic stage is set, let's move on...
Chaos, Fear ... and Power
Accepting the possibility that we've all been somewhat frozen in a continual state of fear, it would follow that we would lean hard into those who run our systems and government for guidance through a very challenging time. Naturally, we would continuously turn to media outlets for information about how to operate in the new landscape.
We listened as story after terrifying story arose ... and we accepted them, often without question. As each new episode in the drama ensued, through subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) messaging, we were also told how to think and feel about them.
Now, I know this is a touchy subject, but given the state of our stressed-out brains, could we actually have been perceiving clearly enough to know if the broadcasters, doctors, businessmen and politicians who have been in charge have been telling the truth?
Might it be that we've been too ensconced in our collective amygdala to have noticed any inconsistencies and/or power shifts that may have taken place?
Caroline Myss talks about chaos both as a change agent and as a redistribution of power. On a personal level, there's hardly a soul I know who hasn't been through a major upheaval over the last year, myself included. In the process, much of what had been hiding under the carpet has come to light: relationships that were leaky vessels, fully sank; careers that were unsatisfying, ended; and locations that no longer held attraction were abruptly changed. I think everyone has been forced to determine what is true for them.
On the world stage, we certainly saw a power struggle as demonstrations of all kinds took place, and of course we remember what occurred here in the USA. Unrest was, and is, in the air.
Then, we endured a redistribution of power at the highest level in a presidential race that literally tore families and friendships apart (and is still doing so). If there was ever any doubt about the power of the media, just look at how party lines were clearly drawn depending on which news outlet one watched. I suggest that we were (purposefully?) whipped into an amygdala-driven choosing of sides that pitted citizen against citizen due to competing ideas about what was true and what wasn't.
This entrenchment caused righteous judgment of those on the opposite side, turning normally balanced, loving people into raging haters should a political conversation arise.
Which brings us to the crux of the matter.

Let's look in the mirror...
Have we unwittingly allowed ourselves to be led into such extremist points of view that upon the mention of a certain name, party or current topic we become enraged? In "normal' times, we probably wouldn't react so vehemently but these are not normal times.
Such a response only serves to re-trigger the amygdala into producing more cortisol, and around and around we go in the vicious cycle. Unknowingly, we remain suspended in this hyper-vigilant state, ready to pounce as if in battle.
Somehow we have to unhook from this unconscious routine and find our way back to tolerance of others for the sake of our own minds, bodies and spirits, as well as for those of others.

Healing through Truth
Though I prefer to imagine Truth rising beautifully like Venus on a clam shell, it's probably more accurate to conjure the divine feminine in the form of Sekhmet, the Egyptian lion goddess. As a steely-eyed warrior, she takes no prisoners in her ruthless quest for righteousness and justice. As a healer goddess, she can close the wounds and protect the patient.
Can you see the pattern? Release the toxic truth in order to heal. Think about what has been revealed in the last year and is up for healing!
Have you ever found yourself saying something like this: "Those people are just ____!" (Fill in the blank with any derogatory word.)
Although reactions like this might feel justified in the moment, the end result is a continuation of a dualistic world framework, an "us vs. them" orientation, which stands quite apart from the unity consciousness we're seeking.
If chaos means change and redistribution of power, then we need to reclaim the power of our nervous systems and morph into something more tolerant and loving.

Chaos, Change and Evolution
In the past, we've discussed many times how evolution is a series of chaotic moments, or peduncles, followed by a reorganization into a higher order than the previous status quo, as illustrated here.
My guides and many others have said that we, humanity and the planet, are in a process of evolving into a more refined dimension. In this higher vibration, we will be closer to unity consciousness - that is, we will finally grasp our Oneness with everything and and everyone.

To have a prayer of reaching this goal, we need to start now by softening towards our fellow human, no matter what. We can begin with tolerance.
After all, many spiritual leaders have taught us to do the same. Here's Buddhist teacher, Robert Thurman, on the topic:
"In our present time of dreadful governance, planet wide, a time when oligarchic governments are tending to harm their own subjects almost more than their enemies, we need to resist and rebel, politically but nonviolently, courageously but gently, and even with humor and attention to letting the oppressors save face while learning to relent. Instead of growing bitter with anger against the enemy, we can love our enemies, finding joy ourselves in thinking how to benefit them."
We've all been through a lot and now it's time to move forward again towards the higher frequencies. Remember that the Infinity Wave is brimming with the resonances of Compassion and Love, so you might begin by waving yourself first and then use it to bridge the gap with others.

We don't have to agree with anyone's opinions but we can see through their ideas to their inner soul and know that the real truth is that we are One with them.
Infinite Blessings,