structured water
Wouldn't you prefer to drink water that's alive?
Did you know that:
∞ Water that moves in straight lines (like in our pipes) is dead, but...
∞ Water moving in the Infinity Wave pattern transforms back into its naturally energized and alive state, and...
∞ Water that's Alive means an Alive YOU!
It’s proven that dehydrated people are less productive. A 2006 BBC study of workers in the UK found that even a tiny 2% to 3% drop in cellular hydration drastically reduced brain function and overall productivity. Yet, all water is not created equal.
Your body desperately needs ENLIVENED water powered by nature, but this type of water doesn't come through water filters or in plastic bottles. Each time we interact with water that lacks structure (also known as chaotic), that chaos impacts our bodies, minds and overall energy.
Until recently, the water conversation was about upgrading the chemistry of water by filtering, but our Infinity Water devices are about changing the energy of water - this is an entirely different conversation.
“Structures change properties vastly more easily and dramatically than chemistry changes them.”
-- Dr. Rustum Roy, scientist
When it moves in the Infinity Wave shape, it mimics what occurs in nature, tumbling down a mountain stream. This process oxygenates the water, among other things, making it more vital and available to use in your body. Through proven science, structured water devices transform water to support life and energy as opposed to breaking it down.
Once you drink water that has been energized through structuring, you'll refuse to drink anything else.
How can we actually measure the impact drinking structured water has on us?
GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) is a photographic process used to capture images of electrical discharges in the body. Our bodies burn energy to keep functioning, and GDV allows us to view the energy quality of anything we consume.
The images here picture a person before and after drinking Structured Water and this is just one way of showing that people who drink energized water experience a minimum increase of 10% more energy instantly. Some people experience as much as a 44% increase!
In the lower image, you’ll see the amount of energy being produced by bottled water, followed by water that has been naturally structured by nature, and finally, water that has been structured by water devices.
For a wide variety of structuring devices, please visit The Wellness Enterprise website, which you can access by clicking the button below.
The units are easy to use and last a lifetime, with no parts to replace or filters to change. They're made of materials with properties that:
∞ Restore our bodies and the environment,
∞ Neutralize a vast variety of chemicals and materials that
are harmful to your body and nature,
∞ Clean water from almost all inorganic
compounds, including pesticides, bacteria, nitrates, free
radicals, heavy metals, and other harmful organisms,
∞ Neutralize the negative impact of electromagnetic fields
∞ Increase immunity to illness and disease,
∞ Rejuvenate the skin,
∞ Enhance and increase the energy of the structured water,
∞ Purify water to bring nature's healthiest water straight into
your body!
The Structured Water Devices are a NO-RISK PURCHASE. Backed by an unparalleled 90-day Money-Back Guarantee and a full lifetime replacement warranty, these devices will save you tons of money compared to water bottles or traditional filters.
Click the button below for more information.

There are several striking similarities between the Infinity Wave and the Structured Water that we'd like to tell you about, as well as some of the latest water science!
This one-hour recording features Hope Fitzgerald and Patrick Durkin talking about the science and benefits of Structured Water. You'll never think about water the same way after you listen to this!
Infinity Wave Meets Infinity Water
with Hope Fitzgerald and Patrick Durkin

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